Machine Learning is Fun! The world’s easiest introduction to Machine Learning Update: This article is part of a series. Check out the full series: Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5 , Part 6 , Part 7 and Part 8 ! Bigger update: The content of this article is now available as a full-length video course that walks you through every step of the code . You can take the course for free (and access everything else on Lynda: Online Courses, Classes, Training, Tutorials free for 30 days) if you sign up with this link . Have you heard people talking about machine learning but only have a fuzzy idea of what that means? Are you tired of nodding your way through conversations with co-workers? Let’s change that! This guide is for anyone who is curious about machine learning but has no idea where to start. I imagine there are a lot of people who tried reading the wikipedia article , got frustrated and gave up wishing someone would just give them a high-level explanation. Th...